2017年11月27日 星期一

Virginia Christian Film Festival: The Musical Drama "Xiaozhen's Story" R...

The musical, Xiaozhen's Story, raked in nine awards, including those for best director, best feature film, best musical score, and so on, at the Christian Film Festival in Virginia, United States. Since its release in 2015, this musical, with the unfolding of life's transformation as its theme, has received multiple awards one after another in countries such as Russia, India, America, and so on. This is the 7th time since its first screening that this movie has won film festival awards. This musical centers on the metamorphosis of the life of the Christian Xiaozhen. A true story, it tells of how people are enticed by money and fame into forfeiting their humanity, growing distant from God, losing their direction and goals in life, and heading toward the terror and helplessness of falling from grace. Through twists and turns, the fates of the characters are very moving and invocative, and by way of one climax after another, the plot triggers the audience into wondering such things as: Just what is happiness? What is the value and meaning of life? Who can save people from their lives of suffering, and bring them happiness and light? The lyrics used in the screenplay come from utterances spoken to all humanity by the Creator. They express God's concern, hopes, and care for humans, pointing out the way to all those who are profoundly suffering and have been led astray, and bringing them the gospel and hope! "Mr. Richard, the film festival organizer said, "I thought Xiaozhen's Story was a great message not only for Christians but it could be for everybody. Everybody eventually, after they chase the things of the world, will realize that those things don't fill their heart, and what really fills their heart is Jesus. And so I thought that it was a great story, and lots of Christians should watch it. Because they will all relate to Xiaozhen and her journey. It was definitely an award-winning film and that's why it was recognized with so many awards." "The Light of Truth" journalist Han Xi reports from Newport News in Virginia"

2017年11月25日 星期六


兩千年前,主耶穌曾預言:「半夜有人喊著說:『新郎來了,你們出來迎接他!』」(馬太福音25:6)「看哪,我站在門外叩門,若有聽見我聲音就開門的,我要進到他那裡去,我與他,他與我,一同坐席。」(啟示錄3:20)兩千年來,信主的人都在儆醒等候主來叩門,那主再來會怎樣叩人的門呢?……末世,有人見證主耶穌回來了,就是道成肉身的全能神,作了末世的審判工作,這一消息震動了整個宗教界……   本片主人公楊愛光信主幾十年,一直熱心作工傳道,等候迎接主來。一天,有人來叩門,告訴楊愛光夫婦主耶穌回來了,並給他們讀了全能神的話,楊愛光夫婦被全能神的話深深打動了,但因受牧師長老的謬論迷惑、捆綁,楊愛光把全能神教會的見證人拒之門外。之後,見證人多次來叩門,給楊愛光讀全能神的話,見證神的末世作工。期間,牧師一次次攪擾、攔阻她,楊愛光一度左右徘徊,但藉著聽全能神的話,楊愛光明白了真理,對牧師長老的謠言、謬論有了分辨,也終於明白了主末世再來怎麼叩人的門,人該怎麼迎接主來……迷霧散盡,楊愛光終於聽見了神的聲音,認定全能神就是主耶穌回來了!

La gloria di Dio | "Canzone dei vincitori" | Il popolo si sta innalzando...

2017年11月22日 星期三

I Am a Child of God



2017年11月21日 星期二


你所不知道的天安门事件真相 | 中国解密

The Power of the Lord | Christian Movie "In the Deep of Winter" | The Te...

The Power of the Lord | Christian Movie "In the Deep of Winter" | The Testimony of a Christian Her name is Xiao Li. She has believed in God for more than a decade. In the winter of 2012, she was arrested by the Chinese Communist police at a congregation. During interrogation, the police repeatedly coaxed, threatened, battered and tortured her in their attempts to seduce her to betray God by disclosing the whereabouts of the leaders and money of the church. Particularly in one frozen night when the temperature was twenty degrees below zero, she was forcibly stripped naked, drenched with icy water, electrically shocked on her genital, and force-fed mustard water by the police…. She had suffered brutal torture and unimaginable humiliation. During the interrogation, she felt hurt and humiliated. She desperately prayed to God time after time. The word of God gave her timely enlightenment and guidance. With the faith and strength she received from God's word, she overcame the savage torture and demonic ravage and gave wonderfully resounding witness. Like a winter plum blossom, she exhibited resilient vitality by proudly blooming amid severe adversity, emanating delightful redolence …

2017年11月20日 星期一


《讚美新生活》走上人生光明路【MV】【A Cappella】

詩歌MV《讚美新生活》基督徒敬拜實際神【A Cappella】 哈利路亞!感謝讚美你! 哈利路亞!感謝讚美你!全能神! 一 末世基督已顯現,作工說話在人間,話語審判刑罰潔淨我們,帶領我們走上人生正道。是神的話語改變了我,使我有了讚美神的新生活(哈利路亞!),痛苦與迷茫不再有,靈得釋放把歌唱(哈利路亞!)。明白真理真是好,超脫肉體真自由(讚美神!),觀念誤解全消除,悖逆性情得變化。我走上光明的人生路,神的愛太寶貴太實在(讚美神!),享受神愛是神的高抬,體嘗了神的愛,再也無法離開神。 二 弟兄姊妹聚在一起,沒有隔閡也沒有距離,同心合意配搭事奉在教會裡,快樂地唱起讚美的歌。歌聲裡充滿了對神的愛,歌唱出我們真誠的心,實際神把我們更新變化,更新變化成新人。誰不抒發心中的情,誰不抒發心中的愛,你來讚美神跳起舞,我在一邊拍拍手。超脫世界家庭肉體的纏累,彼此相愛多甜蜜,往日舊生活不復返,大好時光在前頭!大好時光在前頭! 盡本分作見證真享受,交通真理釋放自由,神子民享受新生活,光明人生向我招手(噢)。盡本分作見證真享受,交通真理釋放自由,神子民享受新生活,光明人生向我招手。永遠敬拜實際神!哈利路亞!


迦南美地的快樂 一 我回到了神的家中,心情快樂激動無比, 我手抓住了我的良人,我的心已經給了神。 雖然經過了流淚谷,我看見了神的可愛, 我與神的愛日益密切,我心因神而快樂。 神的美麗使我著迷,我心緊緊貼著神, 我心對神愛不夠,心底裡滿了讚美的歌。 二 在這迦南美地上,一切都是新鮮活潑, 充滿了生機,實際的神流出活水, 使我得著生命供應,享受屬天的福氣, 從此不再尋尋覓覓,我已來到迦南美地, 享受無比,愛神的心生發出無窮的力量, 讚美的聲音響徹雲霄,抒發著我們心中的愛。 良人的美麗佔有了我心,香氣濃郁使我更加愛戀神, 良人的美麗佔有了我心,香氣濃郁使我更加愛戀神。 三 天上星星向我微笑,太陽也在向我點頭, 陽光普照雨露滋潤,生命美果茁壯成長, 神的話語豐富無比,我們的筵席真甜蜜, 神豐富全備的供應使我們飽足富有。 迦南美地是神話語的世界,活在神的愛中享受無比, 迦南美地是神話語的世界,活在神的愛中享受無比。 果實纍纍飄清香,在這裡生活幾天的人, 都會無比愛戀,再也不願離開這裡。 四 皎潔的月亮發出亮光,我的生活多麼美好, 我心上的良人,你的可愛訴說不完。 我心甜蜜地愛著你,怎能不手舞足蹈, 我的心中擁有你,我願一生陪伴你, 我的心時時思念著你,我心因愛你終日快樂, 我心所愛的良人,我把一切愛都獻給了你。 我的心時時思念著你,我心因愛你終日快樂, 我心所愛的良人,我把一切愛都獻給了你。 摘自《跟隨羔羊唱新歌》

【Full conference】Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees